Getting Girls Outdoors

When girls spend quality time outdoors and increase their exposure to nature, they thrive physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Volunteers need to be confident in their outdoor skills in order to lead the best safe and fun-filled outdoor experience for their Girl Scouts! We are here to help you if you’re not feeling confident or even just want to brush up on some outdoor knowledge.
We invite you to share your love for the outdoors with our Girl Scouts. Click here to learn about becoming a volunteer!
Please fill out the Volunteer-Led Event Promotion Request Form, if you would like to facilitate a Volunteer-led event.
At GSHPA, we believe in responsible behavior and respecting the environment. That’s why we're one of only two Girl Scout Councils that are Leave No Trace Partners! The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics is a national organization that supports protecting the outdoors by teaching and inspiring people to enjoy it responsibly. That’s something we can get behind!
How can Girl Scouts ensure they’re practicing #LNT daily?
Have questions about getting girls outdoors? Reach out to our Member Services team at 800-692-7816 or MemberServices@gshpa.org.
It's time to get outdoors! Complete the challenge by May 31, 2025 to receive your fun patch.