Betsy Keefer is a GSHPA Board of Directors Member-at-Large and currently serves on the Finance and Audit Committee. She previously led the Fund Development Committee as Chair.
Ms. Keefer’s 40-year career with the Girl Scouts began in Akron, Ohio and included multiple CEO roles in Springfield, Massachusetts; Southwestern Connecticut and Penn Laurel Council in York, Pennsylvania, as well as interim CEO for Girl Scout councils in Boston, Massachusetts; Jackson, Mississippi; and Madison, Wisconsin. During her tenure as CEO of Hemlock Girl Scout Council, the council had one of the first successful Girl Scout Council capital campaigns in the country, which resulted in the addition of the program center to the council office on Hale Ave. As the National Director of Council Services with GSUSA, she oversaw the development of management resources and consulting for local councils.
Betsy Keefer graduated with a Social Services degree from Hiram College, and a Master’s of Education from Kent State University. She has completed many non-profit leadership courses at Harvard University, Case Western Reserve University, and Claremont Graduate University.
She is a member of the York Symphony Board of Directors, the York County Literacy Council Board of Directors, and the Embracing Aging Committee of the York County Community Foundation. In addition, she volunteers for the Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children (CASA), the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO), and the United Way of York County.