Our fall incentive program is designed to empower troops and service unit leaders to successfully recruit new members by offering exciting rewards and support for their recruitment efforts.
Every troop and service unit that adds a qualifying new troop or a number of girls earns a reward! (Rules and Criteria below)
Girl Scouts love to “make new friends and keep the old,” and now they can earn fun patches for doing just that! Host a Bring-A-Friend recruitment party with a Juliette Gordon Low Birthday theme or a Halloween/Friendsgiving theme between Oct. 12 and Nov. 24 to earn some cool incentives. Current Girl Scouts will earn a custom-themed patch for bringing a friend to the party, with the opportunity to add patch rockers for each girl they bring who registers for Girl Scouts and is placed in a troop. New girls who register for Girl Scouts will also earn the fun patch!
Party activities are up to you, but each party must fit the theme. Troops may host a party for either theme or one of each! Have questions? Reach out to your VSC for more information, flyers to hand out, and to create an online event to share party details with your community.
For any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to your Volunteer Support Coordinator.